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The Cleric

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The Cleric Empty The Cleric

Post  Dave (Taeya) Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:50 pm

They wear skimpy clothing and treat your wounds. No, there isn't a nurse-stripper class in GF. The Cleric class has heals, buffs, mass-heals, party buffs, and more heals. When they're not buffing or healing, they tend to be dealing out righteous holy mother-loving justice in the form of Light spells and hammer-and-shield bashing. Many cleric spells cause very useful negative status effects.
Some of these effects include:

Stun (one 100% AoE and one 30% target)
Silence (one 10% with damage and one 100% no damage)
Slowed attack speed (100% AoE spell that also causes damage)
Fear/Horror (100% AoE-target spell that uses charges for massive damage and debilitation)

Some positive effects include:
Heals over time
Increased physical attack power (up to about 15% at high levels)
Increased magic defense (up to about 15% at high levels)
Damage reduction (party skill: -50 points plus 10 Light resistance)
Increased health (party skill: 12-20% increased hp based on level of skill)

Treat your clerics well! They keep your asses alive!

Dave (Taeya)

Posts : 33
Join date : 2010-01-04
Location : USA babay

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The Cleric Empty Re: The Cleric

Post  Dave (Taeya) Sat Jan 16, 2010 1:38 pm

I should probably do a cons section too, as most of you probably now think that clerics are the best class ever created, and that simply isn't true.


You will die. You will die often. "But Dave, can't clerics heal themselves?" you might ask. Yes, inquiring reader, they can. Until a higher level though, they will not be able to instantly heal. Since we're surprisingly squishy (higher hp but low defense), we need to heal ourselves often, and it isn't easy to balance health with dps. Since we've got some cool AoE skills, and since we kill really slow, you'll be tempted to run into a pack of mobs and kill two, maybe even three of them at a time. While you're trying to get off a couple of spells, your health is depleting rapidly, you have to heal yourself and do damage at the same time. This will get you killed.

The scapegoat. You will be blamed for everyone's death. From the ranger in your party who shouldn't be taking damage in the first place, to John F. Kennedy, it's your fault they died. We can't keep everyone alive, but no one understands. No one ever understands... Smile

No damage. At the same level as an assassin, he will be critting double what you can, even with your highest damage dealing spells. and these spells come slow. Makes for slow grinding and slow leveling.

All in all, I'm still enjoying my time with my cleric Smile

Dave (Taeya)

Posts : 33
Join date : 2010-01-04
Location : USA babay

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