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***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!!

Dave (Taeya)
Rand "TheShocker"
14 posters

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Choose your favorite Rank Titles!!! (Read the descriptions on the thread below)

***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! I_vote_lcap0%***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! I_vote_rcap 0% 
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***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! I_vote_lcap6%***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! I_vote_rcap 6% 
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Total Votes : 16
Poll closed

***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! Empty ***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!!

Post  Rand "TheShocker" Sun Jan 17, 2010 7:17 am

Hey everyone, welcome to senescent's first contest: "Guild Rank Titles"

It is just how it sounds, put on your creative thinking caps and come up with new titles for our guild's ranking system. (Keep in mind there are a total of 5 ranks, one of them unique only to the guild leader.)

Our current ranks are as follows: Lvl 1-14 Student ; Lvl 15-30 Apprentice ; Lvl 31+ master ; moderator ; leader

Don't be afraid to mix things up. The titles don't necessarily need to correspond to level. The titles can be funny or serious, whatever you want.

1. Only one entry per person.
2. You must explain your ranking system
3. Each rank name must contain 12 characters or less (anything higher won't fit)
4. No spaces allowed in the names (the game won't accept it)

Take your time to think it over and then reply to this post with your best rank names. We will be accepting entries until (TBD). Once we close the thread to new entries I will consult with the moderators and we will choose our favorite Top Ten rank names. We will put these top 10 into a poll and let you, the guild members, vote for the one you like the most. If there happens to be a draw we will create a new poll containing only the disputed rank names.

Thanks for participating.

Last edited by Rand "TheShocker" on Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:51 am; edited 8 times in total

Rand "TheShocker"

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***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! Empty Re: ***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!!

Post  Spike Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:42 am

Lvl 1-14


Lvl 15-30


Lvl 31+


WHy this?

Fits with the game. Short and sweet. Everyone knows them.


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***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! Empty Re: ***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!!

Post  Dave (Taeya) Mon Jan 18, 2010 4:55 am

Prestige based ranks:

<200 prestige: benchwarmers
200-399: starters
400 and greater: all-stars
moderators: coaches
leader: whatever legendary sports figure you feel like at the moment

Dave (Taeya)

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***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! Empty Re: ***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!!

Post  Sajikis Mon Jan 18, 2010 5:09 pm

I also would like to see prestige based ranks, not only is it an easy system to track
but it also show a persons overall contribution to the guild.

As for rank names though, I would have to leave that up to someone else ^.^

Maybe something along the lines of
0-250 = Initiate
250-750 = Member
750-1500 = Elite
1500+ = Council
Highest rank reserver for GL would be Chairman.

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***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! Empty Heals4you submission

Post  RaidenZangetsu Mon Jan 18, 2010 10:31 pm

So i know this might be kinda cliche but i know a good bit about history so i chose The ranking in the Roman Legion.

L1-19 or little to no prestige---> Tiro (recruit) lowest rank given to the basic soldier. Newly joined players and those just starting out can have this title. No associated powers given to these players.

L20-39 or moderate amount of prestige---> Principales (noncomissioned officer) Officer that gave orders, handed down from higher ranks, to a small group of men. These players are active guild members given the power of recruiting.

L40-60 or moderate to large amounts of prestige---> Centurio (Officer) Led whole battalions of men. This title is given to senior active members of the guild. These players have the power of recruit and are directly consulted on almost all guild affairs.

Moderator---> Tribunus (Senior Officer) High ranking officer that controlled whole sections of the Legion. This is given to the most dedicated of guild members. The title comes with all powers of the guild (except for administration of course).

Leader---> Cesar (the Emperor) given to ThaShocker.....or me of course Wink

Thats my entry. I made it so its optional on if the title is given by lvl or prestige because some high lvl players can be new to the guild and obviously they should start from the bottom. If there are any questions about my entry, since im sure i left something to vague, let me know and i will try to clarify.

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***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! Empty Re: ***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!!

Post  LolImMaesonzanAndYourNot Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:07 am

Just some names i thought up of





Guild leader=OmgFamous

Very Happy:D:D:D


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***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! Empty Re: ***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!!

Post  moocow Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:14 pm

Boxing style?

Fly,Bantam,Feather,Light,Welter,Middle,LightHeavy & of course the leader is the Heavyweight.
Plus there is always Jnr Fly,Jnr Bantam..... ect if needed


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***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! Empty My Guild Title Entries-Sanvarlan

Post  Sanvarlan Thu Jan 21, 2010 1:04 pm

Hey guys, this is my entry for Guild Titles, based on various concepts from Gnosticism and Judeo-Christian mythology. Hope you like them.

***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! AnimeMaleMage

These are young initiates of the order of Senescence. Their natural divine connection to the Pleroma source has been detected by the elder guardians of Senescence and so these individuals are selected to embark on a path of training and discipline to strengthen each Scion's understanding of their true natures and power.

Guild Duties: ????
Prerequisites: Level 1-25

***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! Chaos_Mage_by_Sergon

Nephilim are speculated to be the offspring of fallen angels and human females. Soon after Scion initiates have begun their odyssey of self-discovery, they have learned to call forth their divine heritage to aid themselves in battle. They have proven that the blood of angels truly runs through their veins and divine auras have begun emanating from their bodies. The have also begun developing a fleeting telepathic connection with the outer Aeons and Deus as well as other powerful beings residing in the Pleroma.

Guild Duties: Recruitment
Prerequisites: Level 26-39

***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! Angel-0001

Prestigious, lofty, powerful and wise; individuals of this stature can no longer hide their divine powers from those that see them. With each of their steps, waves of mystic energy ripple through the beings of Saphael. They are now perfect telepathic conduits between Saphael and the beings of the Pleroma. They are primarily responsible for protecting the Scion initiates and the Nephilim, guiding them along their journeys and scouting for promising future potentials.

Guild Duties: Recruitment, Board Post
Prerequisites: Level 40-55 or 450 Prestige

***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! Angel

When individuals reach this level, they have acquired the ability of ascension and have learned to freely move between the Pleroma and Saphael's material plane without the slightest effort. Many are seen riding among ancient mythical beasts of legend and are said to perform great "Miracles" whenever they appear. Their power is legend, having the power to alter reality itself in some cases. All who witness them, must take great care not to stare at them for too long or run the risk of loosing their sight. They are the direct agents of Deus and emissaries of his/her power on Saphael.

Guild Duties: Recruitment, Board Post, Can bestow Guild Blessing Buffs, Alter Guild Tax, Adjust Rank, Announcement, Expel, Runs Guild Events
Prerequisites: Level 50+ or 600 Prestige
**Must be specially selected out of experienced, contributing members.

***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! Seraph

This is the ultimate being of the mystic Pleroma region. His/Her powers and abilities command the greatest respect and awe. This being has merged with the divine core of the Pleroma region and as thus, he can communicate freely with all agents of the Order of Senescence and is perfectly connected to their thoughts, emotions and activities. He has the power of foresight and communicates his will directly with his closest agents, the Aeons. As the ultimate guardian of the core of Pleroma, only he has the power to bestow his mantle upon another eligible being.

Guild Duties: Recruitment, Can bestow Guild Blessing Buffs, Alter Guild Tax, Adjust Rank, Announcement, Expel, Disband, Pass Leadership
Prerequisites: Level 50+
**Position is either Guild originator, or one who receives the power from a previous leader.

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***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! Empty Re: ***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!!

Post  Rand "TheShocker" Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:18 pm

This is a 24hour notice. No new submissions will be taken after this time expires.

Rand "TheShocker"

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***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! Empty Re: ***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!!

Post  DarkMagic Sat Jan 30, 2010 5:08 pm

Hello, I think that maybe the guild needs a little bit of more competition so I tought and tought until the answer came to my brain. There should be:
Jobmaster: Best of the best of thier own class. Example:TheShocker would be a Jobmaster because he is the best Ranger in the guild (too bad he is the leader).Jobmasters can also loose their title if they are defeated therefore the player that defeated would be the new Jobmaster. In the end there will only be 8 Jobamasters.
Master: lvl 45+ Are in charge of helping anyone below them. They Should also be getting better to defetat the Jobmaster and take their title
Luitenant:31-44 They should help the recruits and of course people at their level.
Recruit:1-30 Just lvl up!!! You are waaaay behind!
I also think that there should be a contest among us all to determine the Jobmasters of each class and if necessary an event everyweek, so that the masters can have a chance to try and beat the Jobmasters.This will also help know each other more and ofcourse more importantly to have fun!

Last edited by DarkMagic on Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:54 pm; edited 2 times in total

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***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! Empty RE: ***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!!

Post  Okato Sat Jan 30, 2010 5:39 pm

Lvl 1-10 - Iniciar (Initiate)
Lvl 11-20 - Miembros (Member)
Lvl 21-30 - Oficial (Officer)
Lvl 21-40 - Comandante (Commander)
Lvl 41+ - Consejo (Council)
GM - Maestro (Master)

The ranks are Spanish seeing as i come from a Spanish like background, either way you like it is fine that's why i listed the English names as well.

Sincerely ~ Okato (Oka) cheers


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***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! Empty Re: ***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!!

Post  Aryquin Sun Jan 31, 2010 12:28 am

Senescence means old or growing older. With age comes wisdom and skill.

Ageless- The leader, one who possesses much skill and knowledge about how best to run the guild.
WiseGuy- The 2nds in command. Think Yogurt from Spaceballs. Very knowledgable and skilled at what he does.
Knight (lvl 31+)- Strong and sure, these are the bulk of the guild's strength. Protectors of honor and helpers of the weak.
Paige (lvl 16-30)- Gaining strength and loyal to the guild. Eager to help if possible and in whatever ways he/she can.
Disciple (lvl 1-15)- Even the strongest of members start somewhere, and those who begin here will only grow stronger for having been around our twisted minds for that much longer. There can be no doubt that these will grow into strong players with perhaps a bit of a sadistic streak, but a helpful nature.


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***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! Empty Re: ***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!!

Post  Rand "TheShocker" Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:04 pm

There is one space left on the poll, so I'll fill it. Inspired by European's interpretation of Native American culture.

WarChief (Guild Leader)
Chieftain (Guild Moderators)
Braves (Level 45+)
Warriors (Level 31+)
Villagers (Anyone under 50 prestige. I like this idea because it makes new recruits, even high level ones, work for their Rank Titles.)

Rand "TheShocker"

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***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! Empty Re: ***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!!

Post  Rand "TheShocker" Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:39 am

No more submissions will be accepted. The contest has moved into the voting stages. Voting will last for 6 days, and a winner will be declared on Saturday.

Rand "TheShocker"

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***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! Empty Re: ***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!!

Post  ZEDEKIAH Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:00 pm

(by Level/PvP) Recruit, Luitenant, Master, JobMaster, General <- judging from my 10 years of experience of MMO PVP!~ hahah~


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***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! Empty Re: ***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!!

Post  falkor Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:16 pm

(by Level & Prestige) Scion, Nephilim, Seraph, Aeon, Deus has my vote


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***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!! Empty Re: ***CONTEST*** New Guild Rank Titles!!!

Post  Demonfury Thu Feb 11, 2010 9:40 pm

Sprite King, Dark Sprite, Sprite Trainer, Sprite Recruiter, Sprite Recruit


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